Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday and This is Becoming a Habit

I must start out by apologizing for not updating this more often. I have no excuse other than being lazy about updating!!!!

We had the first birthday on Sunday, the party was on Saturday. It was a fantastic time. Liz, Graces godmother came in from Charleston SC. It was so nice to have her here. Grace did pretty well, she was tired and not at all excited to be there. Refused to even touch the cake. But oh well.

It is not a birthday without someone in tears, so might as well be the birthday girl!!!!!

Now, lets get to the good stuff, a story in pictures:

In Boston on Friday with our very dear friend and Grace's Godmother Liz:

We rode the Swan Boats, like in Make Way for Ducklings:

We even saw some ducklings:

Boston was so much fun, but we were all tired by the time we got home!!!

Then it was time for the party. My first ride on the carousel:

Grace's new car:

So not happy hear, not even cake cheered Grace up!!!

We were all tired by the time we got home, but Grace wins the prize!!!!

I am still amazed that a year has past.

June 6th, 2009:

June 6th 2010:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


OK, so it has been forever since I posted. I know I know I am letting my 3 followers down.

So to make it up to you get ready for a barrage of vacation photos.

We had a lovely trip to Florida to visit with Marks parents, Oma and Opa. Of course it would not be a vacation with out a trip to the doc in a box. We all had colds before we left. Grace who in 10.5 months never had a fever gets one 4 days before we leave for FL. She was a champ on the plane, slept during take off and landing and played a little in between. She was however a major cranky butt Sunday ok, Monday day and then miserable at evening. So we all go to the doc in a box (walk in clinic) and yup she has a perforated ear drum. Start her on the meds and she is good to go.

So back to vacation, it was beautiful, temps in the high 80s-low 90s no humidity, breeze. So enjoyable.

So here are some photos, for your enjoyment.

First plane ride:

With my Opa all dressed up for his 79th B-Day:

In my buggy enjoying the pool:

I love the pool!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Easter and other musings

Easter was an absolutely beautiful day. A spring New England day you dream of. The sun was shinning, coats were not needed. The windows were open and the day was just magical.

We started the day off by going to church and no the walls did not fall down once I stepped inside, thank you very much!!

Then a little walk, home to do Easter baskets and prepare for Easter dinner at Marilyn and Jacks house.

We had an Easter Egg Hunt and Grace had a great helper and this allowed Mommy to do nothing but watch!

Then of course we had to take some photos in front of the flowers, since the light was perfect and I just love Daffodils!!!

Next up, we are off to visit Oma and Opa in Florida, so prepare yourselves for the onslaught of photos!!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hey Mom, Look what I can do

Oh someone is so full of herself lately, I think it may be some new teeth coming in. Whatever it is, I hope it passes quickly.

During what was supposed to be nap time I find this:

Oh but how can you ever be mad at that sweet little face and those big baby blues????

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So today was our appointment with the Pediatric Ophthalmologist to check the clogged tear duct. It was what we thought, clogged, so at some point in the next few months Grace will have the surgery to unclog the duct.

But that was not the wild part, as you may have heard we are having terrible rains here in the Northeast. So while we are sitting there, waiting for Graces eyes to dilate, a policeman comes into the office and says they are voluntarily evacuating the area. So we only have 15 minutes until her eyes are fully dilated so we decide to wait it out, since the Doctor was doing the same.

We get called back into the office for the check up and the next thing there is a knock on the door. Knock, knock, knock, policeman is back. Hi just to let you know we are now doing mandatory evacuations.

So needless to say we high tailed it out of there.
Parts of the parking lot was underwater and not just underwater, I am talking water up to the grill and mid-way up the doors of some of the cars. Yikes!!!!
Got home with no problem, back to the highland!!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Fun is Over....or Just Beginning...

Oh no, the day I have been waiting for has arrived. Little monkey has mastered the army crawl. We will be baby-proofing this weekend. I have put it off long enough.

Mother of the Year (everyone else can line up behind me)here was chatting on the phone looked down to see that Grace had army crawled over to the computer cord and was finding it very fascinating. Me not so much.

So much for the running out of the room for a quick second and not having to worry.

Now, much to my delight we have also mastered sitting up, or should I say Grace is now proficient in getting off her tummy to a seated position. Who would have thought that mastering one move would make such a huge difference to our lives. The laying on the floor whining to be placed back into a seated position is OVER!!!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Busy times

So, I start a blog and here I am all ready ignoring it. We have had a crazy last week. Work is insane, which is great! Grace had her 9 month check up and she is 17lbs 11oz and 27 inches. Looks great. Her pediatrician thought he heard a hip click. Apparently they take hips very seriously these days and referred us to a pediatric orthopedist.

Good news is there is absolutely nothing wrong with her hips and the doctor said she is 100% perfect. She is just as perfect on the inside as the outside. Which was a huge relief off of my mind. I was having visions of our April Florida trip with Grace in a cast. I could think of nothing worse than a cast that goes from mid chest to mid thigh and the warm weather of Florida.

But all is good and being the crazy mom I am here are some pictures of yesterdays big adventure!

Here is Grace, just chilling on the table waiting for the x-ray. Such a lady and so modest, no running around topless for us, well at least not yet :-).

Looking so tiny on the huge table:

Just waiting for the doctor to come in and tell me the news:

And yes, I did take a picture of her x-ray and yes I do know that I am crazy!!